A Witch's Teat

Page 4


I decided not to tell my husband and family about my suspicions at that point, but to wait until after I knew something concrete. Life had been in utter turmoil for the previous two weeks. My significant other, Chuck, had just had surgery on both knees. He tore all the tendons while vaulting furniture during the earthquake of ‘94.

Lisa, my youngest daughter, had just been blasted out of denial regarding her semi-spouse and was going through the usual hysteria and rages. Her semi-spouse was in the depths of remorse and depression. Chuck and I had spent the past week pointing them both at 12 step programs and trying not to kill him. Everyone in our household was stressed out to the max.

“Life had been in utter turmoil for the previous two weeks.”

Now, unknown to me, the doctor called my house on Tuesday when I was at work instead of on Wednesday as scheduled. He told my husband that I needed to come into the office the next day. Chuck told Lisa, and, of course, they decided to protect me and to tell me only when absolutely necessary. Meanwhile, I had told everyone else--friends at work, spiritual sisters, girlfriends, etc.

When I came home Tuesday night, my family had ordered my favorite Italian take-out, no one was arguing, fighting, and Chuck was hovering even more than usual. (He is a hoverer). I didn’t think much of it, grateful for the food and the peace, and just dodged the most overwhelming TLC.

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